
Man Up Men’s Conference – 2024

If you were not able to join us this year for our men's conference, you missed a great weekend of food and fellowship, but you didn't miss out on the great teaching! Below are the four sessions and 2 Q&A sessions from the weekend that we hope will be a blessing...

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Purpose In Tragedy

This week, in the midst of a celebration of victory in the heart of Kansas City, we witnessed a horrible tragedy. Loss of life, numerous injuries, chaotic fear, and in the subsequent days, massive unrest. While these responses are natural and expected, a question...

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Renewed Minds, Transformed Hearts

Renewed Minds, Transformed Hearts

If you’ve been in church very long, there's no doubt you’ve heard one or more sermons on Romans 12:1-2. It’s a very popular passage because of its practical application to our lives in any age, but particularly today in the world in which we live. There is often an...

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Ready To Suffer For Your King?

Ready To Suffer For Your King?

Last week in the sermon we looked at the reality that Jesus has been given all authority, power and rule over all things, both in heaven and on earth and that rule is not just the future but also now, for the purpose of building and sanctifying His church. Here are...

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Dealing With Doctrinal Differences

Dealing With Doctrinal Differences

I have had many interactions recently with different believers both inside and outside our local body at LHBC concerning doctrinal issues, differences, and even division. While there are things that we must divide over doctrinally, I would like to discuss how we...

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Making Sense of Melchizedek

Making Sense of Melchizedek

Maybe you're out there wondering what the big deal is about the Priest/King Melchizedek and maybe you are asking what in the world the relevance is to you and your daily Christian life? Well, this Sunday it will all start to come together as we continue to build on...

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Growing Together in Holiness

Growing Together in Holiness

I heard the story once about a couple that had a great marriage for many years. They were asked, “what do you think helps you all have such a great marriage?” Without hesitation, the husband said, “We take two vacations a year. I go in the spring and she goes in the...

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I Still Do

I Still Do

We had a great time this year at our first annual Couples Conference in the new building! The topic this year was "I Still Do" with session content taken from the book with the same title written by Dave Harvey. In this book, Dave gives several "defining moments" in...

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Avoiding Assumptions in Application pt 3

Avoiding Assumptions in Application pt 3

NOTE: This is a continuation of the blog post: To Tithe or Not To Tithe. This post discusses one of the false assumptions many teachers make when applying Scripture inaccurately. By examining these assumptions in the context of tithing we will see examples of their...

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Avoiding Assumptions in Application pt 2

Avoiding Assumptions in Application pt 2

NOTE: This is a continuation of the blog post: To Tithe or Not To Tithe. This post discusses one of the false assumptions many teachers make when applying Scripture inaccurately. By examining these assumptions in the context of tithing we will see examples of their...

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