NOTE: This is a continuation of the blog post: To Tithe or Not To Tithe. This post discusses one of the false assumptions many teachers make when applying Scripture inaccurately. By examining these assumptions in the context of tithing we will see examples of their...
To Tithe or Not To Tithe
This blog is a follow-up to one of our messages regarding whether requiring a 10% tithe is Biblical and applicable to us today. To hear our teaching on the subject, check out the recording below:If you look up the...
Defiance Or Disobedience
No doubt you have seen videos of popular preachers proclaiming loudly and publicly that their church will not obey one regulation or another because they must obey God’s commands over man’s commands. First, let me say that such choosing to obey God’s Word over man’s...
The Awkward Silence
Do you remember sitting in school, probably during some boring subject like English (sorry teachers), staring at your book or out the window or even at the front of the room but not really paying attention? You know what always happens when you do that? You get called...
What is a Life Group and why should I join one?
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” This famous line from Romeo and Juliet aptly describes these things we call “Life Groups.” In fact, I don’t really know who came up with the term but if I remember correctly, it’s...
Understanding John
“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20:31). This verse...
Why study John’s Gospel?
As we continue with the series through the Gospel of John we want you to understand why the Elders of LHBC chose this book, and the process for working through it, for our Sunday Gatherings. There are three anchor points for this decision: First, Approximately ten to...
Understanding Elder Leadership
Last week we looked at the fact that Christ has given his church gifts, in the form of leadership gifts to equip the body so that it functions and grows the way Christ desires and designed. This morning, in Bible class, we looked at what Scripture says about New...
Is LHBC the “right church?”
PLEASE READ: In a culture where relationships are often cheap, shallow, and discarded without thought, the church should be a shining light of how the gospel can make all the difference in the midst of a covenant community. "Our relationships will ebb and flow, as...