I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (ESV) ~ Ephesians 4:1–3

Covenant Membership

Connecting with one another Biblically

Connecting with a local Body of Christ is much more than “joining a church” or “fellowshipping.” In fact, the Bible tells us in Ephesians 4 that God has fitly joined together each body of believers with exactly the right people for one very specific goal… maturing followers of Christ. He is the head and as such, seeks to lead the body to grow to become more like Him.

Our goal at LHBC is to create an environment that fosters discipleship, both corporately and individually. Christ gave us the command to make mature followers of Him in Matthew 28:19-20. We do this through the process of discipleship. Discipleship takes time, effort, and a willingness to engage with one another in a much deeper commitment than simply worshiping together on Sunday.

Scripture is full of “one-another” passages that show us that this deep relationship is one of commitment not just to Christ but a commitment to one-another within the body to obey what Christ taught and to hold one-another accountable to the same. This type of commitment is what God used in Acts 2 to add to the church daily. At LHBC, we’ve chosen to formalize how the Bible says we should live as individuals and relate to one another within the body in a Church Covenant.

By joining as a Covenant Member of LHBC, you are promising to seek to live the way Christ desires us to live and accepting the responsibility to hold each of us accountable to Christ’s teachings as well.

LHBC Church Covenant

In recognition of Christ’s purpose for the church and having been saved by God’s grace and baptized in obedience to Christ Jesus’ command, we, the members of Liberty Hills Bible Church, do wholeheartedly and joyfully enter into the following covenant: to gather faithfully with one another for the teaching of Biblical doctrine, for fellowship, for the observance of the Lord’s Supper, and for faithful prayer; to love one another continually; to encourage and build up one another; to discern, develop and deploy our spiritual gift(s); to honor and respect those in spiritual leadership; to sustain ministry through financial support; to recognize Christian liberty; to reconcile differences and to attempt to restore sinning brethren.

Furthermore, we will strive for personal growth in our relationship with Christ; to pursue obedience regarding biblical family roles: as parents, bringing up our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord; as husbands, loving our wives as Christ loved the Church, as wives in submitting willingly and lovingly to the headship of our husbands, and as children both obeying and honoring our parents. We will strive to live Christ-like lives as we carry out our Lord’s great commission by evangelizing and discipling within our spheres of influence. We covenant to do these things with the help of the Lord and for His glory.

LHBC 101

LHBC 101 is our pre-membership class led by our Elders designed to help us get to know you and you get to know us. 

We discuss the Biblical qualifications for membership in a local body, a time of salvation testimonies, what we believe to be core doctrines of the faith, our church covenant, and other distinctive of Liberty Hills Bible Church.

The Elders will then meet with each prospective member/family to discuss any further questions from you or from us. Our desire is for God to build His church and the goal of LHBC 101 is to help people to join without any questions or doubts that this is God’s will, in the spirit of unity and for His glory.

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